Friday, August 31, 2012

Brigham City Temple Open House

Church sponsered water haha
Me and my little sis
Photo Credit: Danielle Reid

Last day of summer

Today is the last real day of summer since we have Saturdays off anyways.

Today my best friend Carina came and got me and we headed over to the school to go over out classes. Then we hung out for a while.

Now we are sitting here while our car is being inspected. Miki and I are unimpressed.

Tonight we are going to the Brigham City temple open house. Without tickets so hopefully we can get in.

So this is how I'm spending my last day of summer. Pretty exciting right? I'm having an end of summer party tomorrow so hopefully I can end summer with a BANG!

Feel my Sunlight

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Happy 40th Jill!!!

Hey fans! (haha I mean mom...since I think she is the only one who reads this blog.)

So remember when I said B and I planned a surprize part for someone? (if you don't click ---> HERE)

So today was my coach, Jill's 40th birthday. Jill owns the gym that I like to call home. I have been with Jill for a long time. I was on her first comp team. I have stayed with her every time she has moved buildings. From that tiny little place where we tumbled on pannel mats, to the time we moved in to stroops, and joined Lance, to the time we moved into the gym we now call home. Jill has been a great coach. She has taught me so much over the years. From the time I walked into her tiny gym for the first time, to the time she hired me as a coach, to my first National Championships, to where I am today.

So B and I went to the temple on Tuesday and while we where driving we came up with the idea to deck out the gym with black balloons, posters, and streamers. We called everyone. I made a big card for everyone to sign. Her husband got a cake. Yesterday we decorated the gym. (sorry I forgot to take pics. I know....bad blogger!) When she walked in the first thing she said was "who decorated?!" I stelthfully walked away with a smirk of guilt on my face. We sang happy birthday and ate cake (well, actually the upper levels didn't eat cake because if you eat cake right before a workout you will get sick.) Last night was a blast and everyone tumbled great and worked hard. I guess that was our birthday preasent to Jill.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

New chapter, not the end

Lots on my mind. I don't feel like I can blog about it all just yet. Lots of prayers to be said. I'd just like to say that I'm so thankful for for the Gospel in my life. I have a testimony of the Book of Mormon. I know God has a plan for us, His plan isn't always the same as ours, but his is a much greater plan. There is a purpose for everything, but we don't always know what it is right away. We are never alone no madder how alone we feel. God is always watching out for us. He will direct us to the right path if we let him.

I love love love my team, but I know there is much more to life than tumbling. I love every single one of my team mates. I love my coaches. They have changed my life for the better. They have made me who I am today. I don't know where I would be without them. I look up to them all so much. More than they realize it.

I hate goodbyes.

(don't worry! I'm not leaving the gym!!)

This is just a new chapter, not the end.

Feel my Sunlight


Yesterday was just a perfect day. I went to the temple with B and we planned a party for someone (I'll tell you more about that later. I don't want the word to get out.) We talked a lot. Then later I went boating for Young Men/Young Womens. That was a blast! It's days like this that make me dread school next week.

Feel my Sunlight

Write about it

Taylor Swift writes songs about her life, I write blog posts.

Monday, August 27, 2012

I love my team!

I just can't get over how much I love my team. We just have so much fun and love to support one another. The feeling you get in the gym durring workouts is just great. We yell and cheer for eachother in the gym, as well as at meets. And we don't just do it sometimes, we do it all the time. It motivates you to do your very best when you know you have a whole team cheering you on. And I know I tumble better when I hear "you got it whit!", and "get after it!" from my team mates behind me. And the very best feeling is when you land something hard and you can hear the cheers from everyone. I can tell a difference in the gym. We have become best friends. We have become a gym family.

Tonight was just fantastic! The feeling in the gym was spot on. Everyone was hitting and we worked hard. One of my team mates did her double tuck for the first time on floor tonight. We all stayed after class to cheer her on. It was great and we are so proud of her! Good job Cid!

I'm going to the temple tomorrow with B! (one of my team mates) and I can't wait!

Feel my Sunlight

EFY music. On the radio. At the Store.

Earlier today I was in the changing room at one of my favorite stores contemplaiting which shirt I should buy, when all of the sudden a song came on the radio. I started to humm this song until I realized what song it was. I thought about it for a minute and realized that this was a song called What Faith Can Do and it was from 2011 EFY CD. ha An EFY song was playing on the radio! After a little while I realized that it wasn't the same version as the one from my EFY, but I still thought it was awesome that it was playing on the radio! Then a few minutes later the song You Raise Me Up came on the radio. This song was made popular by Josh Groban, but I first heard this song on the 2007 EFY CD that my parents bought me. So it the time span of less than a half hour two songs that I knew from EFY came on the radio at the store. That's a crazy thought! I wish that would happen every time I go to the store! I <3 my EFY music!

What Fait Can Do (the version that was on the radio)

What Faith Can Do (EFY version)

You Raise Me Up (the version that was on the radio)

You Raise me Up (EFY version)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The train and a book

My friends and I decided to take a trip to City Creek this last week to meet Shannon Hale, the author of princess Acadamy, and the Goose girl series. Her new book came out last week and she was there for a book signing. We also shopped for a while and had lunch there. It was fun! I love that we have the train so close to us so that we can have the opportunity to do things like this, since none of us are old enough to drive yet, and our parents don't love driving us to Salt Lake, we have used this wonderful resource a few times.

I like to eat perfume.

Whoa! Don't post for a few days, and you feel like you've disappeared from the blogging world. Not that anybody noticed I'm sure. So this is our last week before school starts. Ahhh! I haven't bought a single new piece of clothing. I know that doesn't sound like me right? well, my school clothes money that I usually get from my mom went to what I owed her for EFY (and oh so worth it!) I haven't gotten a paycheck all summer (I get payed this week & next week!) So I have been tentative about spending what little money I do posses. I have been shopping a few times, but haven't bought any clothes. Although I have bought a few other things.

 Yesterday was my little sisters birthday and she wanted to go shopping. So we went to this store and we where smelling the perfumes. I held the little tester bottle up to my nose to smell it, and I accidentally pressed down on the little nozzle. I sprayed the perfume right into my mouth. Needless to say perfume....tastes DISCUSSING! we laughed and laughed, and I couldn't get the taste out of my mouth for a really long time. The funny thing is, I ended up buying the perfume.

So today (as I was wearing that perfume) my friend Carina and I where assigned to teach the lesson for Mia Maids and Laurels. (we combine a lot because we have so few Laurels.) We didn't know until today that we would be teaching Beehives as well. So Carina and I taught a combined lesson. Can you guess what the lesson was on? Dating! funny thing is neither of us have ever been on a date! haha but it was good and I think we did an okay job.

So there are my two funny stories form the week. Hope you liked them!

Feel my Sunlight