Sunday, December 30, 2012

Letters to God

hey lovelies!
I miss y'all so much! Today I grumbled about going to work because I have a name nasty head cold. But I´m glad I went because I proved to my self that I was well enough to go to a friend's party that was much needed. I love my girls! They are simply the greatest and I don't know what I would do without them.

I'd also like to speak of miracles. Read THIS BLOG POST. Also, I'd lake to recommend a movie to you. It's called Letters To God and it will make you cry. It will also inspire you as it inspired me.

That's all I have. I Love my followers! <3

feel my sunlight

Friday, December 21, 2012


Quote of the day:
"I just do my work. I don't hesitate, I don't JINGLE AND BINGLE. I just do my work and get it done" -My little brother

Today was 122112 aka "the end of the world".

Well.... I'm still here!

And NO! There were no shootings or bombings during the service assembly
Today was great! We did have police officers around to protect us. All of you who missed school because of fear missed a fantastic opportunity to help the homeless. All together my school earned over $10,000 so that the homeless can have Christmas. Today was good and I'm glad to say no schools had any shootings, though my cousins school was canceled.

So here I am at the end of the world in a fort watching Tangled with my siblings. Then again, maybe I am in heaven.

Feel my Sunlight

Thursday, December 20, 2012

End of the World

So since the world is "ending" I decided I write an "end of the world post.

#1- Okay confession. I don't believe the world is going to end, however, I do fear for the people who do believe. Even more so do I fear for the people who believe, and don't know what happens after death. That would be scary. I also do not fear to go to school tomorrow as many do. There has been many rumors about "bomb threats" and "gun threats" circling around the school, and the gym. I believe that if they are true, then the school district, and police officers will do their part to keep us safe. I also do not fear of dying if it is true, because I know that If I die it is my time to die, and that I will be going to a much better place. So there is my two cents on what I think about tomorrow, AKA December 21st, AKA the end of the world.

#2- So today I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST! YAY! Now I just need to convince my parents to let me get my license, and to buy me a car.

#3- Tomorrow is the last day before the break and I am so stoked! But I am also very angry at how terribly short the break is. Tomorrow is also the service assembly and that means short classes. Double bonus!

#4- I recently had to close a book. This book is a very popular book and was recommended to me by many of my friends. It was a horrible book, and I never would have been able to live with myself if I had continued reading. Maybe I am a "molly Mormon" but if the world ends tomorrow I don't want that on my "record". I then gave the book to my mother and she was shocked at the content as well. It is now on sale for $6 on

#5- I need to do laundry really bad. And am avoiding it the best I can.

So there ya have it folks. I hope we all live through tomorrow. I also hope we don't kill Facebook while we are at it.

Feel my Sunlight.

Sunday, December 16, 2012



A few months ago the world "sandy" would have brought on thoughts of summer, and beaches, and joy, but today the word "sandy" brings on thoughts of tragedy. Tragedy for a school, a city, a nation, and a world.

October 22nd to October 31st 2012 Hurricane Sandy took 253 total lives, and left behind $65.6 billion dollars in damage.

December 14th 2012 a gunman entered Sandy Hook and took the lives 28 people. Including 20 children between the ages of 5 and 7, 6 women that worked at the school, his mother, and himself.

These statistics are burned into the hearts of people everywhere. These two tragedies have brought many heartaches, and lots of tears. It is hard to express the sorrow felt by the nation at this point in time. These children killed had their whole lives ahead of them {read about these beautiful children HERE}, the survivors have watched the murdering of their best friends and teachers, and they haven't yet finished the first grade. This is something no person should ever have to go through, let alone a first grader.

These children, and teachers killed showed the greatest form of heroism. Many of them stepping in front of others to protect them. There have been many heroes in the efforts of Hurricane Sandy relief. People have donated both time and money to help the people affected. 

Though the majority of the world hasn't been affected directly, we have all been affected. I remember the way the nation came together after the attacks of 9-11. How people began to remember why we are all here. People began to turn to God and let him control our lives. During the years since then it has felt that people have forgotten. With these sandy tragedies we are beginning to return to God again. More prayers are being said, and we are becoming closer as a nation

In the words of JK Rowling...

"Times like these, dark times can bring people together or they can tear them apart."

We as humanity must make sure we are binding together. There is hope. Hope can be found in the most unusual of places such as a picture...

Photo: Sometimes a picture helps our spirit, more then words...

 a Facebook Page...

or a song.
{okay...I couldn't find the right version on YouTube, so look up Dearest Children, God Is Near You by Cherie Call on iTunes.}

We live in dark times and in the words of my friend, Hannah, "I have a feeling it is going to get worse before it gets better". I know that the 2013 theme for the youth was inspired by god. It is a call for youth every where to "Stand in holy places, and be not moved" These future days are going to be hard, even the very elect will be deceived, but we must be steadfast and immovable, we must always be abounding in good works, we must strong, we must have courage, we must not be dismayed, we must arise and shine forth, that our light will be a standard for the nations, we must stand in holy places, we must not move, for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever though goest. (Joshua 1:9, D&C115:5, D&C 87:8, Mosiah 5:15). Our future isn't going to be easy. People all around me are suffering from hardships of all kinds. {Read THIS BLOG HERE to read about an inspiring family I know.} I pray that you turn towards God in the times of struggle, that you keep those you love close, and pray like you have never prayed before.

"Get on you                 
knees and 
then get on your               
       feet and go to 

 Feel my Sunlight

p.s. all those UNDERLINED WORDS are links to awesome places. You should check them out.    

Friday, December 14, 2012

Flipside Family

I'd just like to say how thankful I am for the Flipside family. I love working, and tumbling at Flipside so very much. It is the greatest work environment, and the greatest place to tumble. I love my team mates and Co. Workers and we really are the best of friends. We had our work Christmas party tonight and I haven't had that much fun and laughed that hard in a while. It was great and I love you all!

Feel my Sunlight

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Skyler:"Dannielle....PROBABLY!" {he swings his hand like he is using a wand}
Whole family:........................……
Skyler: "PROBABLY!" {uses pretend wand again}
Whole family: {more blank stares}
Skyler: "remember? From the movie?"
Danielle: "you mean RIDICULOUS?"
Skyler: "oh..."

12:12 on 12-12-12

So today was 12-12-12 the last repetitive date we will probably ever see in our lifetime. I bet you are all wondering what I was doing at exactly 12:12 on 12-12-12. Well, I was listening to Scotty McCreery of course!!! What else would I do? Happy 12-12-12-12:12!!!

Feel my Sunlight

This BIG

I'm in sewing right now with wifi & nothing to do. Just thought I'd post about how much I love Scotty McCreery. I love him this BIG!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Uh ya.

Uh ya. That moment when you realize that something you previously posted is false, and you just can't contain yourself. I change it, but NO, I'm not going to tell you where it is or what it was. Find it yourself. I'm sure Hannah will. ;)

P.s. I haven't taken a cheesy mirror picture in a while, so here you go! #aggies

Monday, December 10, 2012

Forever Family

There comes a time for all of us. I don't know when it will be, or why it will happen. There will come a time when you realize it's time to part with what you love so dearly. There will come a time when all that you know becomes all that you once knew. Because yesterday you stressed over it, and you hated it at times, but you stuck through, and you moved mountains. It became a part of you. A part that will forever remain a part of you as long as you live. At this moment you will realize that you can't stay here forever, because there is so much more to do in the world, but you can stay there forever in your heart. And one day, if you're lucky, you will be given the opportunity to taste it again, though only for a second. You will have to remember that the time is no longer yours, and you have been given this small moment so that you may give this gift to someone new. You will dance the old dance that has been forgotten. You will remember all that was, you will evaluate all that is, and you will look forward to all that may be. A wise teacher once told me as I left a room full of a family I loved dearly "you will forget the people, you will forget what was said, you will even forget me, but you will never forget the feelings you had in this room." This is true. Now, I went back to that room today. I laughed at some old jokes, I fell into an old accent, and I danced with an old friend. I was with some of the people that were part of that family. Sure we have lost a few along the way, but we are still and forever family. No matter what.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Long Live, and it's all coming back

This is my BFF Hannah. Her clothes match my blog.
We arived at the Junior High with a whole team of last years students. The dedicated students that brought me mounds of joy last year. I haven't talked to most of the people on this team in a while, but as soon as we walked through those doors as almni, it was as we never left. Still family, but as teaschers this time.
Hannah and I got there first, and as we were waiting a couple of friends walked in that we hadn't seen in a while. Well, of course we ran as fast as we could so that we could exchange hugs. Well as I was runing in my cowboy boots I rolled my ankle. Hard. I lymped over to them and exchanged hugs. I shook off the pain. Maybe it was the fact that I was so excited to see them, or that I was so excited to relive the memories of Dinner Theatre, or the fact that I am a gymnast and I am used to shaking off pain, but none the less I shook it off and acted like it was all good and dandy. And it was! Well...kinda... helping was a blast today. I remember the feeling of stress at this point in time last year, and all the help the high school students were to help me get ready to perform. Today we were the ones who got to be the directores and we were the ones to help the students fix their scenes. It was fun. I even performed my scene for everybody and I can't even tell you how good that felt!
After that we made ginger bread houses {actually we made hotglued-grahm-cracker-houses} It's a tradition with our family, and the Daniels family. We tried real ginger bread one year, but with 9 kids, grahm crackers are the way to go. We built some funky houses this year! It was fun.
Well, here I am in my bed icing my swolen ankle. Yippe! Probubly sprained.

So I had a request by the girl in the picture above to do a post disecting a song that is very dear to us as a theatre class so here it is!

Long Live
By Taylor Swift

I still remember this moment
{Dinner Theatre 2011}
In the back of my mind
{I am always thinking about it}
The time we stood with our shaking hands
{Right before we performed}
The crowds in stands went wild
We were the kings and the queen
{Litterally, we had a queen}
And they read off our names
{As we walked in at the start of every performance}
The night you danced like you knew our lives would never be the same
{At the end of every performance...we danced.}

You held your head like a hero
{Because we were confident, and ready.}
On a history book page
{Because Shakespeare wrote the best history books.}
It was the end of a decade
{Our 10th year in school (including Kindergarten)}
but the start of an age
{The start of our lives.}

Long live the walls we crashed through
{We all had to get out of our comfort zones}
While the kingdom lights shined just for me and you
{For a moment every eye was on us}
I was screaming, long live all the magic we made
{Never forget the things we did}
And bring on all the pretenders, one day we will be remembered
{We are actors, and don't for get us}

I said, remember this feeling
{The feelings we had about this class}
I passed the pictures around
{I scrolled through my facebook pictures}
Of all the years that we stood there on the sidelines
{watching dinner theatre in years past}
Wishing for right now
{The day when we get to perform}

We are the kings and the queens
{We had a Queen Elizabeth}
You traded your baseball cap for a crown
{shakespearean costumes}
When they gave us our trophies
And we held them up for our town
{Final bow}

And the cynics were outraged
{The principal didn't like us too much}
Screaming, this is absurd
{Because we didn't do sports}
'Cause for a moment a band of thieves
{We stole the show from the athletes}
In ripped-up jeans got to rule the world
{It was all about us that night}
Long live the walls we crashed through
{We all had to get out of our comfort zones}
While the kingdom lights shined just for me and you
{For a moment every eye was on us}
I was screaming, long live all the magic we made
{Never forget the things we did}
And bring on all the pretenders, I'm not afraid
{Bring all the actors together. I'm not afraid}

Long live all the mountains we moved
{We accomplished some pretty big things}
I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you
{This was the time of my life}
I was screaming, long live the look on your face
{That look of pure joy. We all had it}
Bring on all the pretenders, we will be remembered
{Never forget this acting class}

Hold on to spinning around
{The final dance}
Confetti falls to the ground
{these moments become memories}
May these memories break our fall
{When this has to end, it will live on in our memories}

And you take a moment
Promise me this
That you'll stand by me forever
But if God forbid fate should step in

And force us into a goodbye
If you have children someday
When they point to the pictures
Please tell them my name

Tell them how the crowds went wild
Tell them how I hope they shine
{my final wish to all my theatre friends}

Long live the walls we crashed through
{The things we accomplished}
I had the time of my life with you
{This was one of the best prarts of my life}

Long live the walls we crashed through
{We all had to get out of our comfort zones}
While the kingdom lights shined just for me and you
{For a moment every eye was on us}
I was screaming, long live all the magic we made
{Never forget the things we did}
And bring on all the pretenders, I'm not afraid
{Bring all the actors together. I'm not afraid}

Singing, long live all the mountains we moved
{All the things we went through}
I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you
{I had the time of my life overcoming fears with you}

And long, long live the look on your face
{That look when we realized we were finially done}
And bring on all the pretenders, one day we will be remembered
{One day we will be back together, and we will remember the memories}

Now if you want to know about the song for the rest of the year listen to this one

So here is the story of my 9th grade year. The year I became a theatre nerd. That time may have passed, and I may never do theatre in school again, but I will never forget, and it will always be a part of me.
Feel my Sunlight
p.s. my ankle hurts.
p.s.s. I got my schedule changed for next semester and GUESS WHAT! I have photography now! YAY! So I will finially start posting pictures on my photography blog again!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

minimum requirements

All my birthdays in my life have just felt like a build up to my 16th year. I hear my friends that are younger than me saying "my 16th birthday is in 100 days!!" Like as soon as you turn 16 you are mature, and can date, and kiss, and drive, and your parents will buy you a nice car, and that someone is supposed to throw you a huge party at a theme park like the one Lilly had on the Hannah Montana movie withe explosives in the cake and a pile of presents as tall as Mount Everest. Well I turned 16 back in September.... And so far nothing has changed. Sure, I may be IN drivers ED, but I still don't have a license or a car, I didn't even have a party because I never got around to planning one for myself. I still haven't been on a single date (I would like to by the way *wink wink*) and no, I have not kissed anyone. Ever. Now this doesn't particularly bother me, but with my sisters whole making-the-lead-in-the-jr-high-play-&-having-to-"stagekiss"-someone-thing everyone keeps telling me that I need to get on it. Like if I don't kiss someone soon it may be detrimental to the likely hood I me finding a husband. Well if that's the case I don't think I will get married. In my opinion I have time. I am going to let life be awkward, and not stress on things like kissing someone before my sister, or getting a license as soon as I possibly can. Sure that stuff will be nice, but it will happen when it happens. 16 isn't a magical number, it is just a guide line that sets the minimum requirements.

Feel my Sunlight

P.S. I can't think of anything to "p.s." about... So here is a random EFY joke that is reserved for stalling, or for awkward moments... "What do you call a cow standing in tall grass?.....UTTERLY TICKLED!" *crickets chirping*