This post is going to be different.
This post is going to be about Power Tumbling.
This is a topic that used to be among my repertoire and appeared more often than not among my writing. I mean, I did write a blog on just this topic alone for 4 whole years. ( At one point in my life this was THE MOST important thing. Nothing else mattered. In ways this has changed, although in retrospect, it hasn't.
Let me give you a quick back ground since I know I have several newer readers who don't know a whole lot about this lovely sport and how deep my roots are tied in it.
I began this sport at the age of 7. This was 10 years ago.
I walked into the gym wide eyed and shy. I was a skinny toe head that never imagined where this sport would take me. I never thought it was anything more than "tumbling class" but still, I adored it.
This love for cartwheels and handstands continued as I traveled through a few years in this dance studio, a year in a lady's unfinished basement, and eventually landed me in a small gym called Flipside Tumbling.
This little place was where my story really began. This was the place that really started it all.
Flipside was run by Jill, who was also my teacher at the time. Jill would continue to be my teacher, she eventually became my first boss, and to this day I am proud to say I still call her "coach".
I learned how to do a back handspring and was invited to join Jill's first competition team. My wide eyed self still didn't know how much this would entail.
I walked into my first meet in my little pink and black leotard scared as can be. I did a few back handsprings and decided that this was the place I wanted to be and the thing I wanted to do.
Long story short (well, as short as a 10 year story can be) I continued in this sport for the next 7 years. I became better. I started to become obsessed with the sport.
I have competed in countless competitions including many State Championships, a few Regional Championships, The Kalon Ludvigson Invitational (an international meet), as well as the U.S. Power Tumbling National Championships 3 different time. I have met some incredible people, seen some incredible things, and had the experience of a lifetime.
Now I share this with you because I want you to get where I'm coming from. I am a well experienced athlete in the sport of power tumbling. I have been a part of this sport for a long time. I have had unimaginable opportunities, however, I will never be a house hold name.
At one point in my life amongst the trophies and medals I dreamed of becoming the greatest tumbler in the world. I dreamed of standing atop the podium with my face broadcasted to TVs everywhere. I dreamed of signing autographs and wearing USA on my sleeve. This has not happened, nor will it ever happen.
In truth, if I disappeared from the tumbling world very few people would notice. I am not great, I hold no real titles, I am not what you call "elite" and I ultimately have done nothing for this sport, however, this sport has done everything for me.
It has taught me so much. I have been forever impacted by the people I have met, the trials I have overcome, and the life lessons this sport has taught me. It will forever be a piece of my heart and will forever be one of the greatest pieces of my life.
Today I am preparing to enter into my 7th season of competition. I am training this year to compete in the Utah State Championships, the Kalon Ludvigson Invitational (international), and I am hoping to compete in my 4th US National Championships in Louisville, KY.
In conclusion I have discovered that I am still that wide eyed little girl that walked into the gym that one day 10 years ago. I am still in awe with the whole thing and want nothing more that to be a part of the fun. I am still that little girl that dreams of being great someday, and while I may never make it to the podium on the world stage, I now have an even greater dream.
Today I dream of standing on a much bigger podium. I don't dream of standing before thousands, but I dream of standing before my Maker. I dream of meeting my father in heaven and being called worthy of his kingdom. Because in this event medals and standings will not matter to him. What will matter is the love you show, the faith you acted upon, the people you helped, the good deeds you did, and the good you did in the world. I dream of standing before him on this great day being able to say I did all of these things. Today this is my greatest dream.
The dream lives on.
This is not a normal post. This is a L O N G post and if you made it through the whole thing I applaud you.
feel my sunlight
p.s. Competition season starts in 26 days!!!