Monday, March 31, 2014

share it with the world

It is indeed a joyous day.

This is what I have done so far today.

{little sister}

I bet all yall who are on vacation for spring break are jealous of my day. You should be. But then again, if you are on vacation you are probably not taking the time to read my blog. If you are on lets say a beach somewhere scrolling through pages of my blog, then by all means keep scrolling, and if you are one of those who decided to stay home for spring break like myself, congrats! You get to read my blog for much cheaper!

My friends I would like to share with you a video. This video is an encouragement to all to take the challenge to share the gospel with others.

Don't be afraid to pronounce your love for the gospel to the world. Send a text, post a quote, and by all means create a blog! (I would LOVE to read it.) It is our responsibility to make the gospel known through the world and what better way to start thank with a click of a button?

I have had many experiences where I have learned that the words I have written on my blog have brought knowledge to others eyes. Now, imagine if we were all spreading our thoughts around the web. Imagine what would happen if each of us took the time to post just one post on ANY social media site containing a scripture, quote, thought, or video that shares a message of Christ? Imagine how many people around the world would see it. How many people would learn of Christ? How many people would be brought closer to him?

Take the challenge. Share your testimony with the world.

feel my sunlight

p.s. I need some new wholesome music. Any suggestions?

Sunday, March 30, 2014

April showers bring May flowers

I love sunshine (hence the blog title), but currently the view from my window looks particularly wet.

I normally talk about sunshine so lets take a minute to talk about water.

It is often said that "April showers bring May flowers." Our lovely elementary school teachers taught us this when we were small with art projects and coloring pages, but the reality of it is ever prevalent in our later years. I'm not speaking literally, but metaphorically.

When the rain falls down we get soaked. We are quite possibly miserable and often cold. The rain is uncomfortable to stand in and most of us would say that we prefer the sunshine, but when May comes around and the flowers are popping up all over the place we realize that the moisture wasn't there to hurt us, but to bring new life.

This is the same concept when applied to forgiveness.

I had an experience this week that made me reflect on this idea of forgiveness. Someone I know said something to me that didn't particularly sit well, but I was offended yes, but I blew things out of proportion. Was this right of me? Absolutely not. In the end this person apologized and I am happy to say that I honestly forgave them. I don't mean I merely said "sorry" and moved on, but that I truly wanted their guilt to go away for what they did. I changed after that and I honestly believe that this person did too. I became a more accepting and loving person.

I believe that this idea this "April showers bring May showers" is exactly how forgiveness works. It may seem uncomfortable, and we may not like it, but if we truthfully endure the storm and either ask for forgiveness or make an effort to forgive, that beautiful things will come out of it. We will be made new.

I also believe that this is exactly how Christ feels when we ask for forgiveness from him. He wants to forgive us for our sins and he also wants to take away our pain. He wants it so desperately, but we must ask in order for him to do so.

Let us all take make an extra effort to be a little more forgiving.

feel my sunlight

p.s. Whose excited for Conference next weekend??? I AM! What are your conference traditions? Any I should add to my agenda?
p.s.s. Yes, I do realize it isn't quite April, but "March showers bring May flowers" was never on any coloring pages when I was a kid so we are just going to go with it.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

General Womens Meeting!

My mother taught my brother how to prank call today... funniest thing of my life.

The conversation went like this;

*brother calls grandparents*
*grandpa picks up*

Grandpa- "hello"

Little brother- "hello, this is a message from Davis High School, to listen to the message, press one."

*Grandpa presses one* {obviously it wasn't someone from Davis high school. So we all died when he actually pressed 1.}

Little brother- "hello, it has been recorded that your son, Mike (my dad. Obviously not in HS), has been abducted by aliens. Bye!"

Ay, I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath and I thought I was going to pass out. I like my family. I think I'll keep them.

So today was the General Women's Meeting. I don't want to take a long time typing because I want you to take the time to watch the broadcast. I do however, want to say that the spirit that was felt while watching this broadcast was powerful. An undeniable witness to me that this church is true. I will also provide you with some photographs of the notes I took because let's face it, I love taking notes. Enjoy!

(yes, I know I misspelled covenants.)

What were you're favorite quotes from the broadcast?

feel my sunlight

p.s. I am SO excited for conference next week I can not even stand it!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Of One Fold and One Shepherd

Whoa! Blogging two days in a row? I'm on a roll guys.

I want to share with you a video. This video is put on a playlist in seven parts. This video speaks of the coming of Christ to the Americas as written about in the Book of Mormon. This is something unique to the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints in the sense that we other religions do not have this record or do not teach that it is true. I testify to you that it is true.

In John 10:16 in the New Testament, Christ spoke saying;

"And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd."

In saying this he was speaking about those in the Americas. After he was resurrected he visited these people. These people were the ancestors of the Native Americans. The Book of Mormon is a record of these people and Christ's ministry to them. The Book of Mormon is not meant to replace the Bible, but to serve as "another testament of Jesus Christ."

This video is a depiction of Christ's coming to the Americas. I encourage you to take the time to watch it and to read The Book of Mormon and gain a testimony for yourself that it is true.

I have a testimony of The Book of Mormon. I have read it and I know for myself that it is true and that Christ really did minister to his children in the Americas. He has come before and he will come again.

feel my sunlight

p.s. Another HUGE shout out to Dallin for being elected into office! Way to be awesome!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Tumbling stuff and also conference stuff.

They told me Jr. Year was the hardest year.

They told me third term was the hardest term.

They wonder why third term of Jr. Year makes me cry.

So, I started writing this post a while ago, but due to the above statement it never got finished.

Ah blogging world, oh how I wish I had adequate time to interact with you more often.

So.... meet results.

For those of you who don't know about this meet (you must be new, welcome) click here and here to get the prewrap (see what I did there gymnasts?!) on what went down this weekend two weekends ago. Anyways, I competed at the KLI this last weekend on the 14th and 15th and it went not as expected.

Unfortunately, I had a minor mistake that was sadly unfortunate. It was unfortunate because this kind of mistake discredits the rest of that pass giving you zeroes for the rest of the skills. I finished my first pass okay, and did a pretty good second pass, but unfortunately found myself at the bottom of the totem pole when it came to awards. Last place bites, but you know what? I was okay.

I was okay because of the experience I had at the meet. I had the chance to talk to the one and only Kalon Ludvigson a few times as well as give him a couple hugs. He said that the statement I made about him in THIS BLOG POST mad him "cry for like a week." I hate to make people cry, but in this case I am quite happy about it. Thanks for being the incredible person that you are and for inspiring so many people both inside this sport and outside of it. I will forever feel privileged to be able to say "I know him" when talking about you.

I enjoyed this meet so much thanks to the incredible people I had around me. I must say that I love my coaches so much. Not every coach can make you laugh moments after you make a mistake, but I promise you mine can. I couldn't do it without you.
I also thoroughly enjoyed running around the arena as well as city creek with this fun chick. Teri had been there for just about everything the past few years and I am so lucky to be able to call her my teammate. Love you Teriyaki!!

So, this blog is in need for a return to the gospel don't you think? I haven't written a good solid church topic post in a while. It's time.

I have a few things to talk about. First off, I'd just like to say that temples are the best. They are seriously the greatest thing. I feel so blessed to be able to live so close to so many temples and to have opportunity to perform God's work within the walls.

Secondly, let's talk about conference for a minute.

I love conference.

Last week we had a seminary assembly and I had the opportunity to team teach a short lesson about conference with the incredible Adam Dummer. This topic has been on my mind quite a bit since then and can I just say that I am SO excited for conference.

I want you all to take a second to watch this video. It speaks so clearly the words that I wish to portray to you through my blog

Conference is truly my favorite time of year. Conference morning just about edges out every holiday morning in its greatness. I love it so much because it is a time when we get to hear from real and living prophets.

In the times of the Bible the Lord spoke to his people through prophets. (Think... Adam, Moses, remember those guys? Thought you might) The Lord spoke to prophets in the bible, it would only make sense to me that he would continue to speak to his children through modern day prophets, and HE DOES!

Conference is a time where we are addressed by modern day Prophets, Seers, and Revalators. The Lord speaks through them just as he did in times of old. He speaks through prophets to talk to his people. He speaks through prophets to talk to you.

I have a strong testimony that the words spoken in General Conference are the words of the Lord.

The Lord has declared that...

"whether by mine   
own voice     
             or by the voice 
of my servants,        
      it is the same."
         -Doctrine and Covenants 1:38

Conference is a time of Joy, a time of rejoicing, a time of worship, and a time to turn to the Lord for council. I invite all, whether you are LDS or are not, to tune in on April 5th and 6th to see what this "conference thing" is all about and I promise you that if you sincerely listen, you will be changed in some way.

And to all women ages 8 and up I have another invitation to you.

I have a very strong testimony of conference. I know that these are true and living prophets that are speaking straight from the Lord. I have received answers to questions and comfort in times of trial countless times just through listening to these conference talks. I love conference and I want to share this love of mine with those around me so I ask you to tune in and to partake of this goodness.

feel my sunlight

p.s. Did I mention you can watch conference in your pajamas? Church in your pj's? Greatest thing ever.
p.s.s. This whole "blog post thing" needs to happen more. Don't you think?
p.s.s.s. Shout out to Dallin Checkets who is running for SBO! Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

It's a good day

So many great things are happening right now and I can't even contain myself. The world is so so good.

#TBT to this exact same weekend exactly a year ago. #KLI13 #KLI14

So, last Saturday I wrote this blog post containing a few words about the one and only Kalon Ludvigson. Justen and Kalon both saw it and read it and Justen was awesome enough to share an excerpt from it on his facebook page.

As you can see it has received quite a bit of attention. 234 "likes" to be exact. I stand by everything I said and I would like to restate the we all love you Kalon! I would also like to respond to one comment in particular.

Kalon, you are seriously the coolest. I cannot wait to see you and I cannot wait to compete tomorrow. And I hope you always know that we are all behind you and we are all proud of you. Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who liked my words and to Justen for sharing them, but I must add this; everything I said was only the words that everybody else was thinking. Like I said, I am so excited for this incredible opportunity to compete tomorrow.

I don't have a ton of time today so I am going to refer you over HERE for some joy through the form of music notes. BONUS! It is all clean and also 100% AoF13 worthy (13th article of faith).

Sorry for the short post today, I will keep you updated on the competition this weekend! Thanks to all who have supported me. You all rock my socks!

feel my sunlight

p.s. I want to make this place more interactive. I want to know my readers. Shoot me a comment, Refer me to your blog, share your favorite scripture, tell me what color your toothbrush is. Let's be friends! :)

Saturday, March 8, 2014

amongst trial

Sometimes you just need mornings filled with sunshine and literature. Words and clear skies make for beautiful mornings.

This is going to be somewhat of a sporadic post with multiple subjects that have no relevance to each other and it will most likely resolve into some churchy topic. It should be exciting.

First off I'd like to give a shout out to Britney who opened her mission call last night to the Uruguay Montevideo Mission. She is going to be a fantastic missionary. Thanks for your example Britney!

(left to right, Me, Britney, and Lauren)
Secondly, I feel this picture needs to be shared just because it is funny and also 100% real.

Embedded image permalink
Isn't this fantastic though?

So, let's talk about tumbling for a minute. This next weekend I will be competing at the Kalon Ludvigson Invitational. For those of you who have been reading this corner of the internet for over a year--which is only few of you due to the recent growth in readers I have had over the last few months--you would remember these two post when I wrote about the international competition competition I competed at and my experience with that.This is happening again this weekend and I can't wait.

I am competing at this same competition this weekend and I am ever so excited for it. It should be an exciting weekend. I'll keep you updated on how this competition goes. 

For those of you who haven't been around this blog long you might not know a lot about what I am talking about. I am a competitive power tumbler. This competition is in honor of Kalon Ludvigson who a year ago was the greatest tumbler in the world. He holds the record for the highest degree of difficulty, or in other words, he competed the hardest passes ever done. I was there when he did this. 

This last August he was injured while tumbling. He is currently paralyzed. I don't know many specific details about his condition and I am in no place to pretend that I do, so I am just going to say this; Kalon has always been an inspiration to me. I started competing in this sport 7 years ago. Kalon has been the greatest tumbler ever since then. I remember watching him tumble for the first time in shock that the human body was even capable of doing what he did. I wanted to be like that.

Over the years I was privileged to be able to see Kalon tumble at just about every meet I attended. Even more than his tumbling I was impressed with his sportsmanship and the way he was ever so humble about his incredible ability. I was also privileged to be coached by him and coach Justen many times at different clinics. I was able to catch a small glimpse of what he was like in the gym away from spectators eyes and this taught me that glory at the meet doesn't come from desire alone, but from lots of hard work which he undoubtedly gave.

Since the accident my respect for Kalon has only grown. His strength has made me realize that awards and titles don't define a person, but rather their actions and the way they treat people does.
Kalon is a fantastic person and I cannot wait to compete at this international competition held in his honor.

Maybe it is the fact that I just finished The Fault in our Stars by John Green which is inevitably about cancer, or the fact that I am competing at the KLI next Saturday, but I am currently in awe with the strength of people going through hard times. I am amazed with these people who have endured the hardest of times, yet still are able to see good in the worlds and who are still able to share good with others.

On this same note I want you to watch this amazing video by Stephanie Nielson who is also one of these incredible people.

I personally don't know what it is like to go through this kind of trial of this magnitude, however, I have through example observed others who do. I have know that amongst the toughest of trial and hardships there is always still good in the world. There will always be dark clouds, and we will always have vegetables to eat, but in the same, there will always be sunny days and there will always be ice cream with sprinkles for dessert. I see life as something to be thanked for. I know that God's plan, if followed, will carry us through the darkest of times until we eventually see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

For me I had to crash your car at 4:45 in the morning to realize just how special mornings are. God teaches us lessons through trials and we will always be stronger for it. Kalon and Stephanie are only two examples of the incredible people I have observed go through immense trial with such grace. I am also amazed with the Carling family who lost their dear mother this last month, with the Winchester family, who lost Paul to Cancer just over a year ago, I am impressed Meg Johnson, with those who knew Clair Kenyon, and with countless other who have impressed me with their noble lives.

It is people like these who make me remember the things that matter most.

I hope we all, weather we or loved ones are amongst the deepest of trials or not, will take a moment to remember what matters most.

feel my sunlight

p.s. I just had the thought that I should write a book but then I realized that that is basically what this blog is, a long book about me, my life, and those things that matter to me. So to all of those who take the time to read this blog of mine I thank you, for you have made this "book" possible.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014



Currently I am avoiding my homework, hence the reason I am writing. It is sitting there taunting me. This will have to be a short post.

Currently I am trying to decide weather or not to cave into buying the full version of Photoshop. That is also taunting me. My free trial just expired and the aspiring graphic designer in me yearns to hit download. I think this is happening.

Currently I am wishing for summer to come faster.

Currently I am listening to this. It is prime. Yes, I listen to the Jonas Brothers, no I don't listen to their new stuff. It is not virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praise worthy. But this? It is prime.

Currently I am happy to let you all know that I GOT MY HONOR BEE ON SUNDAY!!! I'm super happy about it. An Honor Bee is a charm that you can earn after you have completed and earned your Young Womens Medallion. It requires 40 hours of service and re-reading the entire Book of Mormon again from the start. I am proud to say that I currently have a little bumble be charm hanging from my neck.

Currently I am loving seminary. Can't we just do it all day instead of school?

Currently I want nothing more than to curl up and read an entire book. It has been too long since I have done that. The nerd in me is crying.

Currently my soul is yearning go go to the temple. I haven't been since the car accident due to having no car, not being able to drive due to points on my driving record, the temple being closed for cleaning, and due to my mom not wanting me to drive on the freeway without her. This is currently the toughest thing in my life. Tears have been shed multiple times. The temple is calling me, and I must go.

Currently I need to go do my homework.

Sorry for this being a semi short not so spiritual post, but I am currently in school and I currently don't want to fail history. Here is a FANTASTIC short music clip about Emma Smith, and an even better movie to go with it.They are both deafeningly worth watching.

feel my sunlight

p.s. I'm getting giddy for EFY in NY this summer. I can't wait.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Why Christ is the center of my life. 

The Church posted this picture taken by John Power of the newly opened Gilbert Arizona temple that was dedicated this weekend. It is quite simply one of the most fantastic photographs I have ever seen. It just needed to be shared. Click on the picture to go to the original Facebook post.

Now, the first thing I need you to do is click play on this video. It's short, just do it.

This video is a direct representation of how I feel about the gospel and my Savior Jesus Christ. I agree in whole with everything it says and I hope that I can add my testimony in words that will help you understand why I choose to life my life differently. This video asks for me to share my story. This is my story.

I was brought up in an FM 100.3 kind of home. Where Sundays mornings meant smoothies for breakfast and nachos before church. I was brought up in a home where calling someone the "S" word was calling someone stupid. I was brought up in a home where prayers were said before meals and scriptures were read before bed. I was brought up in a home were we strived not only to be "good" but to be "great".

This idea of thinking extended far beyond my white tight years.

My idea of a good time was the time I spent with my wardies at activity days. I was that weird kid that LOVED seminary in jr. high. I couldn't get enough of it. I was (still am) that kid that proclaimed the week I attend EFY to be the greatest week of the year. I am that kid that goes to the temple before the sun comes up on Tuesday mornings and that goes to mission prep at 7 am every Sunday morning even though I don't have to. I'm that kid that would rather listen to church music thank Miley Cyrus and who gets giddy with excitement when conference rolls around.

Now, I don't say this to toot my own horn, but to tell you what I believe in. I am a generally happy person. Granted I do have some incredibly hard moments and I do have things that make me sad, but in general, I live a happy life. The source of my joy comes from these things. It comes from avoiding worldly things and living a Christ centered life.

I must add in a declaimer right here that I am far from perfect. I mess up on a daily basis an I have to repent more often than I would like to admit.

I have given you what I do because I believe, but I have yet to tell you what I believe. I believe in Christ and his ministry. I believe in his visit to the Americas and the record of this visit known as the Book of Mormon. I believe in doing good and avoiding evil. I believe in what Christ taught and I believe in living it as well. I believe Thomas S. Monson to be his representative as Prophet on the earth today. I believe he is a true Prophet and that Joseph F. Smith was called of God to reorganize Christ's church as it was organized when Christ was on the earth. I believe that Christ suffered for not only my sins, but also my pains and afflictions. He knows exactly what I am going through and he is always there to help.

I have told you what I do because I believe, what I believe, and this is why I believe. The reason for my action and my faith originated with the frilly white socks my mom put on me on Sundays, but they are not the reason I live this way now. I had a fantastic start given to me by fantastic parents, but their efforts in bringing me up in the gospel are not solely the reason for my testimony today.

I believe today because I had a desire to know for myself. I had a desire to know if the things my parents had taught me were true things. I read from my Book of Mormon and I prayed asking God to let me know what was right. I stand before you (figuratively of course, since I'm sitting right now) today to tell you that without a doubt I got an answer that this gospel was true. There were no earthquakes or explosions, there were no ministering angels. and I did not hear voices or see visions, but I did receive the quietest of answers that was significant none the less.

I share this with you because I have a desire for others to feel the same joy that I feel. Christ and the life he lived has brought so much goodness to my life that I want to share it with those around me. So I ask you: if you have never heard of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints until now, inquire to know more; If you know about it but aren't sure you believe in it, pray to know what is right and true; If you believe that it is true but are not living the way you should, make a change; If you are doing what you should, look at what you could do to be better.

Life isn't about being perfect my friends, it is about becoming like Him who was perfect. We do not start in perfection, but we can grow to it. we have been given this opportunity to be changed thanks to Christ and his Atonement.

Tell my your story.

feel my sunlight

p.s. Took the ACT today. That was exciting...