Monday, July 30, 2012

EFY counselor

hmmm... what to write about???

This is a weird feeling. Not knowing what to write about. I always have something to write about. But not much has changed since yesterday so I don't know. I guess I havent written about EFY in a bit (haha funny how I write about EFY so much, yet i've only been twice) So I have this dream that I am one day going to be an EFY counselor because I have had some fantastic counselors. (Randi, Kjarinda, and Braden) I just want to be like them, and I want to do what they do. They had such an influence on my life I want to have that same influence on others. It started with Kjarinda my very first year, then Randi and Braden this year. I love them all so much and think about them constantly. So I have big plans for my life and EFY. I know these are kinda ridiulous and not that exciting of plans, I was just being funny and letting my immagination run while making them up with my best friend one day about a week after I got home from EFY. I thing it would be a good life, so here you have it:

I will start with attending EFY TWICE next year. One special edititon in Salt Lake with my best friend, and one stay at home sesion with my sister.

Then I will go to EFY every year at different places until I am too old.

Then as soon as I turn 20 I will become and EFY counselor

I will eventually become a BC

Then I will marry another EFY counselor

we will both become speakers for EFY

Then we will start a family

Our kids will go to EFY

We will become session directors for EFY

Our kids will become EFY counselors

We will become the CEOs of all of EFY in the whole world (My session director from my 1st EFY was the CEO for the whole world)

Now isn't that exciting?! I told my friend these plans and she laughed and said "just watch, you will be the one that gets married as soon as you get out of high school at 19 and you will never have the chance to be an EFY counsulor." Oh how I hope that doesn't happen... Because I realy want to be an EFY counselor!!! So there you have it, another post about EFY!

Feel my Sunlight

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