This week has been WILD! It was a party and a half and it was filled with MIRACLES! Here it is!
Mondaaay I bought some long pants for temple service because I
guess that's the style now that it's blazin' hot. I also emailed y'all
but my mom didn't forward it so y'all will get that today. Our Ward
decided to go to the beach without us for FHE. Rude. So we went to "the
promise land" (Windermere Cay) to knock on some doors. It was a real
sweaty time and I enjoyed every second of it.
Tuesdaaay we had the sweatiest temple service ever. We planted
flowers all over in the shade of the House of God. It was really fun. We
also had our classic chipoltle style burritos with BBQ sauce that are
bigger than my head. We also had a phone lesson with M, dinner with
Sam, and Less Active finding with Brooklynn. It was a torrential down
pour so mostly we just sat in her car and laughed until we were crying
and tried not to get struck by lightning. She also bought us ice cream.
Thursdaaay we had lunch with a girl named Kiana, a lesson with M where we reviewed all the lessons we have taught her. We also had dinner with Kaitlyn, and Institute. It was a good day.
Fridaaay we weekly planned. You guys. This is the first time
I've ever had to use step two on page 147 of Preach My Gospel. WE
PLANNED FOR M'S BAPTISM! After WP we went and had a lesson with
L, and went to Subway with Brooklynn #EatFresh!
Saturdaaay was my favorite day. We had lunch with Jaiden and
Brielle. I love them. Then we hurried over to Mickey's retreat where we
met up with M and
the Windy Ridge Elders (Elder Skidmore is from Syracuse if any of you
know him! haha) for M'S BAPTISMAL INTERVIEW. She passed.
WHAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Then after the Elders left we filled out her
baptismal record, planned her baptism, read some scriptures, and then
planed a vacation to Puerto Rico in roughly a year when she goes through
the temple. haha I was a real good time. Then we went to "The Promise
Land" to knock some doors and we met a girl named E that is SO COOL!
When we first knocked on her door she let us right in but said she
wasn't interested. After a few minutes of talking she said "well...
maybe I believe in you guys more than I thought... tell me more." So we
taught her the Restoration and she LOVED it! Sister Hart made me dinner
because she's a doll. We also did some training that night. It was the
best day.
Sundaaay was basically the best day of my mission so far. So morning sacrament was swell. We had several less actives come that haven't come in quite a while so that was BOMB! Then we taught a lesson (Plan of Salvation) To a house FULL of members. It was a spur of the moment thing and there were like 10 people there. It was a blast and a half.
we studied and after studies had this moment where we got real scared
because we called M to remind her about our lesson with her but her
phone had been disconnected. We started to get really scared that she
wouldn't come because we had no way to get a hold of her... so guess
what we did? We prayed... good guess! Then we went to the church and
gotten on the bus and then rode to the bus stop down the street and
then walked like a mile to the church. And her first words to us were "I
beat you!" haha I love her. Then Brooklynn came and we had her try on
jumpsuits. We gave her one to try on and she came back with it on
backwards and she was like "this one is kinda chocking me." haha that's
because you've got it on backwards hun. haha Then we had a lesson with
her right next to the baptismal fount.
Then we had night Sacrament and we sat with M and E and then A CAME! She just said she missed us so she decided to show up. I miss teaching her so much! She is the nicest human ever. We also had a member bring us one of their friends that wanted to learn more about the gospel.
Since it was Fast Sunday I bore my testimony. Possibly for the last time in Buena Vista since transfers are in two weeks. Oh how grateful I am for this opportunity I've been give to serve in paradise.
I love y'all more than He Who Must Not Be Named That didn't work. Sorry. I love y'all!
Out of context quotes:
"You guys look like BeyoncΓ©'s backup dancers"
"I know crusty people""They had the same noodle... You know... Like from Peter Pan"
"I wonder if Florida was a person if they'd have statiky hair"
"I felt like I was dancing, swimming, and flying all at the same time."
"It's one of those things where you have to sneak in... But not into the movie theatre... But into the harts of men."
*when M put the jumpsuit on backwards* "it's kinda choking me"
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