Sunday, August 5, 2012


$$$ this little symbol has given me some grief recently. See I've been coaching since I was 13. I didn't apply for the job, my coach just started calling me when she needed a sub. I eventually got a few of my own classes. It was only 3 hours a week, but at 13 I had about 0 expenses. So $100 spending money every month was fantastic! (I did pay my tithing & put some in savings)
Then this January Young women's changed to Tuesday night... The night I coach!! >:( mean face! I had to drop my 3rd class in order to still go to young women's.
I was okay with 2 classes. My life was busy with theatre stuff (I was kinda in 2 plays and I assistant directed the school musical.) I still payed my tithing. I didn't have to save as much for Nationals this year because it was in California and my whole family was coming. We made it a "family trip" so I didn't have to pay for food, hotel, plane ticket, or fun stuff like Disney Land. I just had to pay my competition entrance fee of $120 (plus Nationals appeal, which is a must) I wasn't worried.

I didn't save much for my summer expenses.

I decided to do overnight EFY. $400+. My mom agreed to pay half.

I owed my parents $320. But didn't have it saved up.

I lost my only source of income for the rest of the summer. (since I'm not old enough to have my own classes by USA Gymnastics rules. We had 2 teachers, and bigger classes that we split. Numbers of students dropped dramatically when summer hit. There where no classes big enough to split. Me, being the youngest coach, has no classes to teach.)

This was where my stress came... It came with lots of "what ifs" and "hows"
...what if my coach doesn't have any classes for me in the fall.....what if I can still only work 2 will I pay back the $320 that I owe my parents? will I pay for school clothes? will I pay for things like competition fees?... How will I pay for EFY next year?..... How will I pay for my Nationals trip to missouri if my family doesn't come and we don't make it a "family trip"......

My mom offered me a deal to work off my debt to her. I could work for her doing miscellaneous cleaning tasks and helping her with her book business. I have worked like 15 hours for her, but still have a ways to go.

I am down to a large wad of one dollar bills. I need new clothes for school, but wont get any money from anyone.

I got to work the annual 24th of July Bowmans Breakfast, like I have for the past 2 years. (I payed my tithing on what little $ I earned)

That got me thinking...(with the help of my moms encouraging brain...)

Why don't I work at Bowmans?!

I have an almost automatic in. (My Dad is the grocery manager)

My dad would do my schedule so he could work around my tumbling.

I asked my dad and guess what?!


Yay! Oh happy day!

As a facer

Moral of the story:

Pay your tithing!

It helps!

A lot!

(I still might coach a few classes in the fall if I can)

Feel my Sunlight

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