Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 30 & Forever greatful

So here we are... We have come to the end of my "30 days of Thanksgiving" List. Wow. I have lots to be grateful. I am healthy, and strong. I have a family that loves me. I have a testimony of the church that offers me peace and love in my life. I have the greatest friends. I love tumbling and I have the best team! I have had so many fantastic experiences in my lifetime, and I have gotten to know some truly fantastic people. I couldn't have gotten here without you. Thank you for all you have taught me. All of you. So here I am on the last day of November feeling truly thankful for the happenings of my life thus far, and also for the things that are to come in the future. I know life won't always be sunshine and lollypops, but I do know that we will make it through this. We will prevail and we will prevail strong. Thank you to the God who created me, and his son who died for me. I am forever greatful.

Feel my Sunlight  

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